SUMMER IS HERE! This means our little ones will be out and about playing under the sun. It’s officially time for cold beverages, frozen treats, and more snacking in general! Most snacks and treats now are full of sugars; the main cause of tooth decay. Read below for some tips you can practice at home to prevent cavities for your young ones!
- These are sugared liquids that taste yummy to the child AND the bacteria on our teeth
- Make popsicles at home out of fruits and veggies, rather than store bought
- Have a glass of water or brush teeth after!
- Full of sugar and acid, these will erode the enamel and cause cavities
- Try to avoid, or have them diluted with water
- Use a straw to consume these
- Fruits are the best summer snack, tasty and refreshing! Find the ones your child enjoys and keep them in the fridge
- Fruits have sugar as well, but having a fruit is better than having a fresh fruit juice
- The crunchier fruits also help in scrubbing the teeth clean during chewing
- Try fruits first rather than other summer snacks
- Can also be used to make fun home-made popsicles
- Summer is hot, and kids will look for refreshing drinks - always give them water first
- Try to have multiple glasses of water throughout the day
- Use water to dilute other beverages to prevent cavities
- With school being done, kids have less of a diet routine in the summer
- This results in more snacks, and usually most fun snacks cause cavities
- Make fruits, veggies, and cheese as the go to snacks, versus ones containing added sugar